Remove the default user Pi from your RasberryPi for a bit of extra security

An easy way of making your Pi that little bit more secure is to remove the default user, Pi.  So when setting up a new Pi installation this is one of the first things I do which is very simple. SSH into your Pi as usual: ssh pi@ Switch to the root user: sudo -i Create a new user: adduser puk Will result in the below, add a decent password when asked and then repeat it: Adding user `puk’ … Adding new group `puk’ (1001) … Adding new user `puk’ (1001) with group `puk’ … Creating home directory `/home/puk’ … Copying files from `/etc/skel’ … Enter new UNIX password: <REDACTED> Retype new UNIX password: <REDACTED> passwd: password updated successfully Changing the user information for puk Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default Full Name []: Puk Room Number []: Work Phone []: Home Phone []: Other []:…Continue reading Remove the default user Pi from your RasberryPi for a bit of extra security

Using Siri to turn on lights in your home, home automation with Home Assistant and Homebridge and LimitlessLED

This post has become outdated and the information is rather scant and badly addressed. Due to the amount of hits this thread has gotten, i’ve written a multipart post on setting up a Pi3 to be a headless pi-hole, home-assistant, homebridge, siri and alexa interfaced system. Click here for the first part – Setting up a Raspberry-Pi with pi-hole, Home-Assistant, Homebridge, Siri and Alexa, Part 1, setting up a headless, monitorless Pi So my RaspberryPi has been working away as a Pi-Hole for a few weeks now, and I decided to see what else I could use it for whilst it’s sitting idle.  I’ve always liked the idea of home automation, but always found it a touch expensive, now prices are coming down I thought I’d dip my toes in the water. Please be aware, this blog post isn’t a full howto, it’s more of a reminder to me of…Continue reading Using Siri to turn on lights in your home, home automation with Home Assistant and Homebridge and LimitlessLED