Setting up a Raspberry-Pi, with Pi-Hole, Home-Assistant, Homebridge, Siri and Alexa. Part 3: Installing Homebridge and using Siri and Apple Home

This is part 3 of my multi-post of setting up a Pi with HomeAssistant, Homebridge, Siri and Pi-Hole. If you want the previous parts here they are: Part 1, Setting up a Pi in headless mode Part 2, Installing Pi-Hole, Home-Assistant and setting up Limitless-LED (Milight) bulbs So now onto the fun part, you want to control the lights you’ve setup previously with Siri, either by talking to your IOS device, or using the favourites option on your slide up menu, which you probably didn’t know existed! Installing Homebridge Lets crack on. SSH via terminal into your Pi (Putty if you’re a Windows user) and install homebridge: Install git and make: sudo apt-get install git make Now to install Node, this is on a Pi3, if you’re on a lower pi refer to this site for installing homebridge. curl -sL | sudo -E bash – sudo apt-get install -y…Continue reading Setting up a Raspberry-Pi, with Pi-Hole, Home-Assistant, Homebridge, Siri and Alexa. Part 3: Installing Homebridge and using Siri and Apple Home

Have a RaspberryPi not doing anything? Turn it into a local add-blocking device with Pi-Hole

I found myself with a Raspberry Pi lying about not doing a lot so wondered what I could do with it. A quick google and I found Pi-Hole! It’s a great bit of kit which makes websites think you’ve downloaded the ads but you have downloaded a small text file from the server. As it blocks at DNS level you can use it on every device on your network by simply putting the pi’s configurable ip as your DNS server address on all your devices and hey presto! So easy to install, just install rasbian on your pi, ssh into it and run: curl -L | bash Follow the config, select to block IPv6 and IPv4 ads, select your IP address and reboot, Robert’s your mothers brother! You’ll end up with an output similar to this when you visit the pi’s IP address: in my case. Just set…Continue reading Have a RaspberryPi not doing anything? Turn it into a local add-blocking device with Pi-Hole