My Home-Assistant configuration files below, as of 17th May 2017.
- configuration.yaml
- customize.yaml
- automation.yaml
- scenes.yaml
- groups.yaml
- sensors.yaml
- switch.yaml
homeassistant: # Name of the location where Home Assistant is running name: Home # Location required to calculate the time the sun rises and sets latitude: <REDACTED> longitude: <REDACTED> # Impacts weather/sunrise data (altitude above sea level in meters) elevation: 8 # metric for Metric, imperial for Imperial unit_system: metric # Pick yours from here: time_zone: Australia/Sydney customize: !include customize.yaml automation: !include automation.yaml scene: !include scene.yaml group: !include groups.yaml sensor: !include sensor.yaml switch: !include switch.yaml light: !include light.yaml # Enables the frontend frontend: # Enables configuration UI config: ios: http: api_password: <REDACTED> ssl_certificate: /etc/letsencrypt/live/<REDACTED> ssl_key: /etc/letsencrypt/live/<REDACTED> # Uncomment this if you are using SSL or running in Docker etc base_url: <REDACTED> # Checks for available updates updater: # Discover some devices automatically discovery: # Enables support for tracking state changes over time. history: # View all events in a logbook logbook: # Track the sun sun: emulated_hue: type: alexa host_ip: listen_port: 8300 expose_by_default: true exposed_domains: - light device_tracker: - platform: netgear host: username: admin password: <REDACTED> interval_seconds: 85 consider_home: 180 track_new_devices: true
############ sensors ############ sensor.cpu_use: friendly_name: CPU Usage icon: mdi:chip sensor.ram_use: friendly_name: RAM Usage icon: mdi:buffer sensor.since_last_boot: homebridge_hidden: true hidden: true sensor.last_boot: homebridge_hidden: true hidden: true sensor.since_last_boot_templated: friendly_name: Uptime icon: mdi:clock-start sensor.dark_sky_humidity: icon: mdi:water-percent friendly_name: Humidity homebridge_hidden: true sensor.dark_sky_temperature: icon: mdi:thermometer friendly_name: Outdoor Temperature homebridge_hidden: true sensor.dark_sky_daily_high_temperature: friendly_name: Max Temp homebridge_hidden: true sensor.dark_sky_summary: friendly_name: Summary sensor.dark_sky_wind_speed: friendly_name: Wind Speed sensor.dark_sky_wind_bearing: friendly_name: Wind Bearing sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability: friendly_name: Rain Probability sensor.dark_sky_daily_summary: friendly_name: Daily Summary sensor.cpu_temperature: friendly_name: R-Pi CPU Temp homebridge_hidden: true icon: mdi:oil-temperature sensor.pihole: friendly_name: Ads Blocked Today icon: mdi:stop-circle-outline device_tracker.puk6s: icon: mdi:human device_tracker.000e8e24b7fb: #hide joggler from top hidden: true device_tracker.dc71442bb666: hidden: true sensor.joggler: icon: mdi:tablet device_tracker.888717ab18ce: #hide printer from top hidden: true icon: mdi:printer device_tracker.<REDACTED>: #hide macbook from top hidden: true sensor.macbook: icon: mdi:laptop-mac device_tracker.xboxsystemos: #hide xbox from top hidden: true icon: mdi:xbox device_tracker.<REDACTED>: icon: mdi:human-female sensor.dht_sensor_humidity: friendly_name: Flat Humidity icon: mdi:water-percent homebridge_name: Humidity sensor.dht_sensor_temperature: friendly_name: Flat Temperature icon: mdi:thermometer-lines homebridge_name: Temperature
############ Automation ############ - alias: lamp on 15min before sunset (dimmed) initial_state: true hide_entity: false trigger: platform: sun event: sunset offset: '-00:15:00' action: - service: scene.turn_on entity_id: scene.evening - alias: Brighten evening lamp trigger: platform: sun event: sunset offset: '+01:00:00' action: - service: scene.turn_on entity_id: scene.normal - alias: Morning Light On @ 6.30 trigger: platform: time after: "06:30:00" condition: condition: time weekday: - mon - wed - fri action: service: homeassistant.turn_on entity_id: scene.morning - alias: Gym Day Morning Light on @ 6am trigger: platform: time after: "06:00:00" condition: condition: time weekday: - tue - thu - sat action: service: homeassistant.turn_on entity_id: scene.morning - alias: Morning lamp off at 7.45am trigger: platform: time after: "07:45:00" action: service: homeassistant.turn_off entity_id: light.lamp - alias: Backlight on if TV on, when dark trigger: platform: sun event: sunset offset: "+01:30:00" condition: condition: state entity_id: device_tracker.dc71442bb666 state: 'home' action: service: homeassistant.turn_on entity_id: light.backlight
############ SCENES ############ - name: Morning entities: light.lamp: state: on brightness: 150 rgb_color: [255, 255, 255] - name: Teal entities: light.backlight: state: on transition: 2 brightness: 255 rgb_color: [0, 251, 128] light.lamp: state: on transition: 2 brightness: 255 rgb_color: [0, 251, 128] - name: Default entities: light.lamp: state: on brightness: 255 rgb_color: [255, 255, 255] - name: Evening entities: light.lamp: state: on brightness: 200 rgb_color: [255, 255, 255] - name: Normal entities: light.backlight: state: on transition: 2 brightness: 255 rgb_color: [255, 255, 238] light.lamp: state: on transition: 2 brightness: 255 rgb_color: [255, 255, 255] - name: Purple entities: light.backlight: state: on transition: 2 brightness: 255 rgb_color: [228, 151, 255] light.lamp: state: on transition: 2 brightness: 255 rgb_color: [228, 151, 255] - name: Green entities: light.backlight: state: on transition: 2 brightness: 255 rgb_color: [100, 246, 63] light.lamp: state: on transition: 2 brightness: 255 rgb_color: [100, 246, 63] - name: Red entities: light.backlight: state: on transition: 2 brightness: 255 rgb_color: [255, 48, 48] light.lamp: state: on transition: 2 brightness: 255 rgb_color: [255, 48, 48] - name: Game Mode entities: light.backlight: state: on brightness: 255 rgb_color: [255, 155, 126] light.lamp: state: on brightness: 255 rgb_color: [139, 143, 255]
########### GROUPS ######### Lighting: - light.backlight - light.lamp Device Tracking: - - sensor.joggler - sensor.macbook - Flat Temperatures: - sensor.cpu_temperature - sensor.dark_sky_temperature - sensor.dht_sensor_temperature - sensor.dht_sensor_humidity Raspberry-Pi details: - sensor.cpu_use - sensor.cpu_temperature - sensor.ram_use - sensor.since_last_boot_templated Pi-Hole Stats: - sensor.pihole - sensor.pihole_domains_blocked - sensor.pihole_percentage_today - sensor.pihole_queries_today Who's Home?: - device_tracker.puk6s - device_tracker.bexsiphone Balmain Weather: - sensor.dark_sky_summary - sensor.dark_sky_temperature - sensor.dark_sky_daily_high_temperature - sensor.dark_sky_humidity - sensor.dark_sky_wind_speed - sensor.dark_sky_wind_bearing - sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability - sensor.dark_sky_daily_summary Dyson: control: hidden entities: - switch.dyson_power - switch.oscillate - switch.fan_up - switch.fan_down - switch.temp_up - switch.temp_down
########## SENSORS ########## - platform: template sensors: canon: value_template: "{% if is_state('device_tracker.888717ab18ce', 'home') %}on{% else %}off{% endif %}" friendly_name: Canon Printer joggler: value_template: "{% if is_state('device_tracker.000e8e24b7fb', 'home') %}on{% else %}off{% endif %}" friendly_name: Joggler macbook: value_template: "{% if is_state('device_tracker.<REDACTED>', 'home') %}on{% else %}off{% endif %}" friendly_name: Macbook xbox: value_template: "{% if is_state('device_tracker.xboxsystemos', 'home') %}on{% else %}off{% endif %}" friendly_name: Xbox - platform: darksky api_key: <REDACTED> monitored_conditions: - summary - temperature - temperature_max - humidity - wind_speed - wind_bearing - precip_probability - daily_summary - platform: command_line scan_interval: 60 name: CPU_Temperature command: "cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp" unit_of_measurement: "°C" value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(0) }}' - platform: dht sensor: DHT22 pin: 4 name: dht_sensor monitored_conditions: - temperature - humidity - platform: systemmonitor resources: - type: last_boot - type: processor_use - type: memory_use_percent - type: since_last_boot
############ SWITCH ############ - platform: rest resource: http://localhost:4000/remotes/dyson/KEY_POWER name: "Dyson Power" - platform: rest resource: http://localhost:4000/remotes/dyson/KEY_DIRECTION name: "Oscillate" - platform: rest resource: http://localhost:4000/remotes/dyson/KEY_UP name: "Fan Up" - platform: rest resource: http://localhost:4000/remotes/dyson/KEY_DOWN name: "Fan Down" - platform: rest resource: http://localhost:4000/remotes/dyson/KEY_RED name: "Temp Up" - platform: rest resource: http://localhost:4000/remotes/dyson/KEY_DOWN name: "Temp Down"
######### LIGHT ######### platform: limitlessled bridges: - host: version: 5 port: 8899 groups: - number: 1 type: rgbw name: Backlight - number: 2 type: rgbw name: Lamp
lirc_web config files:
{ "server": { "port": 4000, "ssl": false }, "commandLabels": { "dyson": { "KEY_POWER": "ON/OFF", "KEY_DIRECTION": "Oscillate", "KEY_UP": "Increase Fan", "KEY_DOWN": "Decrease Fan", "KEY_RED": "Temperature Up", "KEY_BLUE": "Temperature Down" }, "samsung": { "KEY_POWER": "Soundbar ON/OFF", "KEY_POWER2": "TV ON/OFF", "KEY_MUTE": "MUTE ", "KEY_VOLUMEUP": "VOLUME UP", "KEY_VOLUMEDOWN": "VOLUME DOWN", "KEY_AUX": "SOURCE" } }, "remoteLabels": { "dyson": "Dyson Fan", "samsung": "Samsung Soundbar" }, "blacklists": { "samsung": [ "KEY_SAT", "KEY_SOUND", "KEY_LANGUAGE", "KEY_PROGRAM", "KEY_TAB", "KEY_BASSBOOST", "KEY_UP", "KEY_DOWN", "KEY_SCROLLUP", "KEY_SCROLLDOWN", "KEY_REDO", "KEY_D", "KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN", "KEY_OPTION", "KEY_REWIND", "KEY_STOP", "KEY_PLAY", "KEY_FASTFORWARD", "KEY_CHANNELUP", "KEY_CHANELLDOWN", "KEY_INFO", "KEY_LAST", "KEY_NEXT", "KEY_WAKEUP", "KEY_CHANNEL", "KEY_CHANNELDOWN", "KEY_NEXT" ] } }