Something I keep meaning to do is upgrade my Unifi network controller that I have a on Pi. It’s an important thing to do too due to the security risk. It was so long since I last did it I really couldn’t remember how I installed it, so I had to faff a bit and thought I’d share my process.
How to replace the FEP on an Elegoo Mars /2/Pro
I’ve seen a few threads posted on various places about confusion with replacing a FEP on an Elegoo printer so thought I’d do a post showing how to do. It’s really very very easy, nothing to worry about and takes about twenty minutes. Just take your time and follow these easy steps. Firstly you need a few things: New FEP, I use these Fep sheets from Amazon. On a Mars 2 and pro you need the 200mm x 140mm size. Two Allen (hex) keys sized: A deck of playing cards (25 cards I used, about 8mm worth in height when stacked). A sharp knife. A sharp pointed tool, I use a pick but a toothpick should do. Kitchen towel to sit the reservoir tank on.
MultiDoge wallet not synchronising with network? Time to move your Dogecoin…
So with BTC going up and down, many users have found themselves starting their wallets for the first time in years and oddly enough having issues, either not starting, not synching or even not opening. MultiDoge, the wallet of choice for many Doge hodl’r hasn’t had an upgrade in a long time and there’s better soft wallets out there, like Trust for example, a simple phone app wallet. As you can guess, I was in a similar boat so seeked a way to resolve this, initially I tried adding peers to the wallet, but with two years worth of blockchain to sync I soon lost interest in waiting. Here’s a simple way of getting your doge out of multidoge and into a safe wallet. Firstly, open MultiDoge, click Tools – Export Private Keys. Make sure you click the Do Not Password Protect File. Click Export Keys. Search in your Windows…Continue reading MultiDoge wallet not synchronising with network? Time to move your Dogecoin…
Make any printer compatible with Apple Airprint and print from any ios device easily! Just using a Raspberry Pi and Cups
A few years back I was desperate to get some stuff printed and my printer had shit the bed. So I needed a new printer asap, I did what most people do and walked into PCWorld and grabbed a cheap wifi Canon printer, in my case the MG3100 scanner/printer combo. It’s a sweet little thing, only cost me about £30, can’t go wrong, right? Well, it’d be better if it had Airprint compatability and not just use the Canon app thats a bit clunky for a quick print option. I decided during lockdown that I should solve this, it was something that I thought about doing everytime I used the printer and knew I could do it, but I just had never gotten around to it. So sat on my arse in self isolation I sorted it and now I wish I had done it sooner. I decided to use…Continue reading Make any printer compatible with Apple Airprint and print from any ios device easily! Just using a Raspberry Pi and Cups
How to flash Tasmota to a Sonoff Zigbee wifi bridge/hub to communicate with Home Assistant, without soldering. Use any Zigbee accessory with HA! :)
I’m slowly moving towards a zigbee home automation enviroment. Everything Zigbee is getting cheaper and cheaper, be it bulbs, buttons, temporature sensors, door/window sensors etc etc. I hate the idea though that all these devices need their own hubs to talk to your smart devices like Alexa, that’s just bs. Who wants a dozen hubs, or to get stuck with one manufacturer that doesn’t cover all bases or offers some sensors at higher price points than others. So this is where creating a hub that can talk to any Zigbee device comes in, and Sonoff have made a great hub. Much like their RF hub that I also flashed with Tasmota, this little box is powered via a standard microusb connection, connects to your wifi, sits there and listens for a zigbee device and then (when flashed with Tasmota) sends that data to your HomeAssistant installation. If you didn’t flash…Continue reading How to flash Tasmota to a Sonoff Zigbee wifi bridge/hub to communicate with Home Assistant, without soldering. Use any Zigbee accessory with HA! 🙂
SKR E3 Mini/Dip BLTouch crashing the nozzle into the bed?
The new SKR boards are pretty sweet, but they’re currently in v1.0, and that means bugs. Cheap Chinese parts, poor QA and a price tag of a Dominos pizza, too good to be true? Right, so the 5V line that powers the BLTouch is shite, it’s really choppy. Here’s a pic from the 5V line on a scope, as you can see, it’s naff. This is causing the BLTouch to smash your nozzle into the bed when it auto-levels. So how do we fix this? There’s two things to do for a sure fire fix that I’ve found, firstly in your marlin configuration_adv.h search for and enable: //#BLTOUCH_FORCE_SW_MODE by removing the // Secondly, adding a 100nF ceramic capacitor between the VCC and GND pins on the BLTouch: Pretty straightforward way to fix the issue. Obviously we all wish we didn’t have to “fix” a brand new board, but it is…Continue reading SKR E3 Mini/Dip BLTouch crashing the nozzle into the bed?
Installing the SKR E3 Dip mainboard into an Ender3, using TMC2208 v3 in UART Mode and a BLTouch. Setting up current Marlin_2.0_bugfix for the SKR E3Dip with BLTouch enabled.
There’s a big buzz around the new 32bit SKR boards available from Bigtreetech. There are now four flavours, the larger SKR v1.3 and Pro v1.1, and the smaller Mini E3 and the E3 Dip. The last two are direct swap in replacement for the existing Melzi board that is shipped with the Ender 3, the larger boards will require a new case to be printed for them like this. So what’s the hype? Well 32bit boards are the future for 3dprinting. The existing melzi board in the Ender is a known bottleneck, this is why many people use Klipper running on a Raspberry-Pi that takes on all the processing and prevents the bottlenecking. The drivers that are now available are just getting better and better, the TMC2209s are the new kids on the block, handle large amps but as they’re not shipping for many weeks, I went for the TMC2208s…Continue reading Installing the SKR E3 Dip mainboard into an Ender3, using TMC2208 v3 in UART Mode and a BLTouch. Setting up current Marlin_2.0_bugfix for the SKR E3Dip with BLTouch enabled.
Ender 3 / Pro, Bed Levelling and first use tutorial
There seems to be a lot of confusion on using an Ender 3 3D printer about, and the same questions keep getting asked over and over. The printer is cheap so everyone and their grandmother seems to be buying it, which is great, but oh the questions of bed levelling! The very first thing to do is build the bugger correctly. The instructions are nothing but garbage, I didn’t even open mine. Lay all the bits out on a large table, sit down with this video by Tomb of 3d Printed Horrors, get a beer and build it as they do. Allow a couple of hours to do it correctly, I can’t stress this enough, build it once, build it right. If the thing isn’t square from the outset then you’ll just introduce more issues as you try and upgrade/improve the print quality of it. Once you’ve got it constructed,…Continue reading Ender 3 / Pro, Bed Levelling and first use tutorial
How to get around the FAT32 4GB file size limit
I’ve been moving some large files between my mac and to my Pi’s external HDD and keep coming up against the fat32 file size limit of 4GB which is rather infuriating. I can’t change my disk format type, so I needed to get around it. After having a look about I’ve found split and cat, meaning I can use command line tools to split the file into two and then join them again using cat. Unfortunately split wasn’t installed on my mac but does come with Raspian, so had to do that too. Firstly to install split on my mac, in terminal: Now to split the file to be less than 4gb: This command will split the file into filename.extaa and filename.extab, the first being 4.29GB the second being what’s left. Move the files in anyway you wish to their destination, now it’s time to rejoin them which is very…Continue reading How to get around the FAT32 4GB file size limit
How to fix a sticky Yashica TLR shutter
I recently bought a very cheap Yashica 635 TLR on eBay. The reason I chose the 635 was due to it being the only medium format camera ever produced to use either 120 and 35mm film. 35mm is still fairly affordable and easy to develop whereas 120 is becoming more expensive. If the rumours are true that Fuji no longer make film and Kodak aren’t making any more c41 120 then in the near future this will become incredibly expensive, having the 35mm option on the TLR at least allows me to still play with it and not relegate it to being an ornament. So the reason it was so cheap was due to the sticky shutter leaves and the camera was filthy, the shutter wouldn’t open at all. I did some research and found it’s due to the old lubricant on the shutter leaves becoming sticky. The general gist…Continue reading How to fix a sticky Yashica TLR shutter
Do you Australians have a Kambrook KFA837 fan that beeps every 30 seconds? Howto fix it:
Firstly I should make a note, anything you do to a electrical appliance isn’t a good idea. I hold no responsibility if you electrocute yourself or burn your house down or anything else. Be sensible, if you don’t know what you’re doing just buy a new fan. This worked for me, it might not for you and safety comes first with it being an electrical appliance, I hold no responsibility if you decide to do this. My two year old Kambrook KFA837 fan has started to beep every thirty seconds and light up, it drives me mad. Having googled the issue, it would seem that quite a few Aussies have the same problem and now they’re out of warranty, what do you do? Well, take it apart and fix it permanently obviously! I can’t fix the lighting up but it’s easy enough to stop it beeping. Please note I take…Continue reading Do you Australians have a Kambrook KFA837 fan that beeps every 30 seconds? Howto fix it:
Increasing your BTC using 1Broker
Bitcoin’s price goes up, comes down, goes up, comes down. You can read every forum, every chatbox, every post on BTC and you’ll still not know who or what causes price change in BTC. By all accounts the big whales are the real ones who can manipulate it, like the recent suggestion a dump from Mt Gox wallet caused the price dip, although that’s been debunked now. Who knows, there’s a lot of people out there with big BTC wallets and a lot of people wanting to increase their BTC. So how to increase your BTC holdings? You could get knee deep in learning margin trading, but this can be a bit scary and a bit crazy. If you’re not careful you’ll leverage too high and lose lock stock the whole fucking lot. Another route is to use 1Broker. This allows margin trading in BTC in stocks/currencies/indices and commodities. But…Continue reading Increasing your BTC using 1Broker
Howto strip paint from Games Workshop Citadel Miniatures
Recently I decided to have a crack at painting some citadel miniatures. Since I’ve tons of them in the loft at my parents I dug some out. I wanted to start afresh so needed to strip some of paint. These were mostly painted in Citadel Acrylics with the odd bit of Humbrol enamel. I use to use acetone as a kid but it never worked well, so did some research and came up with Dettol antiseptic. This is also safe on plastics. Above is an example of a model painted well over twenty years ago, badly. Although not bad for a 12 year old I guess. All my models were base coated with citadel spray paint primer, then painted with citadel acrylics. So the model is broken down and placed into a glass jar, in this case with lots of others and in fact too many. Top up with…Continue reading Howto strip paint from Games Workshop Citadel Miniatures
GPU & CPU Mining Garlicoin on Windows 10 Machine
Garlicoin has recently gone crazy on Reddit thanks to the meme and a user called DigitalizedOrange stating he’d create a coin if his post got enough upvotes. That was last month and this week Garlicoin went live. I fancied mining some of the coin, more for shits and giggles than anything. I mined BTC long ago, then Dogecoin with GPU and ASIC miners, and when that all turned non profitable I stopped and got into margin trading the BTC on various exchanges. I look back on the days of mining Doge with fondness since the community rallied together to sponsor various projects, including getting the Jamaican Bobsled team to the 2012 Sochi Winter Olympics. We also sponsored a Nascar (the Dogecar) driven by Josh Wise, and we bought socks for the homeless. These were good times, Doge had value, was easy to mine, and much fun was had. Unfortunately since…Continue reading GPU & CPU Mining Garlicoin on Windows 10 Machine
Installing a Mouseover to Amazon Firestick & Virgin TV Go App by sideloading using a Mac
Got yourself a swanky new Firestick? Definitely worth installing a mouseover, read down for more info. I wanted to watch TV around the house, but refused to let Virgin install their triple shielded coax around my property. So had to look at other routes to get my cable tv channels into the other rooms. I found they recently updated their TV Anywhere app to TV Go, which thankfully is a little better than it’s shockingly awful predecessor. I’ve accomplished this by sideloading the TV-Go app onto an Amazon Firestick, and also installing a mouseover toggle onto it, so it’s a bit more user friendly. Firstly, I use a Mac and love using the terminal, I long ago gave up using Windows and would use Linux if it was a little more user friendly to my mac. Anyhow, this process will be done using a Mac, I don’t have an android…Continue reading Installing a Mouseover to Amazon Firestick & Virgin TV Go App by sideloading using a Mac
Claiming your Bitcoin Gold (BTG) from your Bitcoin (BTC)
There seems a little confusion on this around the net, so here’s an easy way to do it, after all it’s free money so you might as well, as it currently stands BTG is worth about $130/coin. Currently there’s only a wallet on an android device for BTG called Coinomi so this is the way I’m going to claim mine, but I don’t have an Android phone, so what do I do? I use an Android Emulator on my mac. Firstly you need to secure your coins, and separate it from the block that has your BTG. So we do this by making a new wallet, that has new private keys. Send the contents of your existing wallet to this wallet address, this will be your new wallet. Now to claim the BTG. Close your new wallet, open the old one and extract the private keys. For example…Continue reading Claiming your Bitcoin Gold (BTG) from your Bitcoin (BTC)
Remove the default user Pi from your RasberryPi for a bit of extra security
An easy way of making your Pi that little bit more secure is to remove the default user, Pi. So when setting up a new Pi installation this is one of the first things I do which is very simple. SSH into your Pi as usual: ssh pi@ Switch to the root user: sudo -i Create a new user: adduser puk Will result in the below, add a decent password when asked and then repeat it: Adding user `puk’ … Adding new group `puk’ (1001) … Adding new user `puk’ (1001) with group `puk’ … Creating home directory `/home/puk’ … Copying files from `/etc/skel’ … Enter new UNIX password: <REDACTED> Retype new UNIX password: <REDACTED> passwd: password updated successfully Changing the user information for puk Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default Full Name []: Puk Room Number []: Work Phone []: Home Phone []: Other []:…Continue reading Remove the default user Pi from your RasberryPi for a bit of extra security
Using PiVPN to turn your RaspberryPi into a VPN. Access your home network securely from anywhere, secure any wifi connection
I wanted a secure way of accessing my home network whilst away. Not only for my Home Assistant installation but to access files, photos, be able to work on scripts and the like. I did some research into various ways but kept coming back to a VPN. I found other reasons for using a VPN too, mainly to secure usage of public wifi, prevent region locking, and to use my PiHole DNS advert blocker. For instance, if I’m using public wifi at a cafe/shopping center I can connect via my VPN to secure any passwords/bank details that I enter. If you don’t realise anyone sharing the same wifi network can gain access to your passwords or data that you enter, scared? Have a read how they do it here. This same Pi is running an instance of PiHole for DNS level advert blocking, when I’m connected to my VPN, I’ll…Continue reading Using PiVPN to turn your RaspberryPi into a VPN. Access your home network securely from anywhere, secure any wifi connection
New Toy! Evolve Bustin, Gen 2, Electric Skateboard, esk8. First Mod, Remote LED Charging Monitor
Ive got a new toy! Well, a second hand new toy! An Evolve gen 2, esk8 board. The specs look pretty cool, top speed 38kmh, range of 30km. Albeit a little less since the lion battery is now 18months old. But it was cheap, like the budgie! This variation is the Bustin limited edition series, but is based on the Bamboo GT. I haven't been on a skateboard for twenty years so it took me a few kms to get use to even being on a board again. I remember that I skate goofy but it feels weird so I may try regular tomorrow, perhaps absence has changed my style. This thing is so quick. I've mainly used the low speed setting, the fast speed is like a rocket! The brake is surprisingly effective too, and the motor regenerates the battery on braking, great! These boards were nearly £1300 new so…Continue reading New Toy! Evolve Bustin, Gen 2, Electric Skateboard, esk8. First Mod, Remote LED Charging Monitor
AlexaPi, AVS timeout in non Alexa Countries, java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
With Amazon only supporting a few countries with Alexa, being the UK, Germany and the USA, you may get timeouts on the java app with an error of: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException It’s a pain when this happens as you have to login with VNC and click the OK button to reset the application. To help prevent it, you can alter the timeout threshold in the java file located at: /home/pi/Desktop/alexa-avs-sample-app/samples/javaclient/src/main/java/com/amazon/alexa/avs/http/ You can edit this with: sudo nano /home/pi/Desktop/alexa-avs-sample-app/samples/javaclient/src/main/java/com/amazon/alexa/avs/http/ You’re after line 69, it looks like this, alter the timeout as below: Restart your Alexa and job done!